Çanakkale Province is accessible by road from neighboring provinces. The distance of Çanakkale to neighboring provinces and important centers by road;
Çanakkale - Ankara 653 km.
Çanakkale - İstanbul 320 km.
Çanakkale - İzmir 325 km.
Çanakkale - Bursa 303 km.
Çanakkale - Balıkesir 210 km.
Çanakkale - Tekirdağ 171 km.
Çanakkale - Edirne 217 km.
Çanakkale - Troy Ruins 30 km.
The transportation of Çanakkale Province with its districts is by land and sea. It is very easy to reach Troy, Assos, Alexandreia-Troas and other centers from the center of Çanakkale Province. There are bus and minibus services every half hour. There are ferry services between Çanakkale-Eceabat, Gelibolu-Lapseki, Bozcaada-Odunluk, Çanakkale-Gökçeada and Kabatepe-Gökçeada.
Highway: There are bus and minibus services to the districts at all hours of the day from the bus terminal in the city center.
Bus Terminal Tel: +90 286 212 58 88
Seaway Apart from the highway, maritime transportation within the province is carried out by GESTAŞ, which took over passenger, vehicle and freight transportation services in 2006.
Çanakkale - EceabatLapseki - GallipoliÇanakkale - Kabatepe - GökçeadaBozcaada - Yükyeri
There are reciprocal ferry services between Bozcaada and Gökçeada.
There are also sea bus services from Çanakkale to Bozcaada and Gökçeada during the summer months.
GESTAŞ Tel: +90 286 217 11 88
Airline: There is 1 airport in the provincial center and domestic transportation is provided by air from Çanakkale to Ankara and Istanbul (Atatürk Airport).