Değirmen Burnu Bastion

The bastion is located at Değirmen Burnu on the right side of the Eceabat-Kilitbahir road. A barracks bearing the tughra of Abdulhamid II is found within the bastion. The bastion is currently closed to visitors and is being used by the 32nd Naval Air Defense Battery Command.

The bastion resembles the other bastions of the peninsula with respect to architectural style. It is constructed in parallel to the shore and has 8 bonnets, 7 gun emplacements and an ammunition dump. The bastion remained outside of the battlefield considering its current position. 

Due to 19th century developments, the Ottoman State had to switch from castle defense to fortified area and bastion defense in the Dardanelles. The architecture of the bastion progressed in due course and the fortified areas turned into bastions in the era of Abdulhamid II, and several bastions were thus built. An artillery school was founded at Kilitbahir Değirmen Burnu for the military artillery staff of the bastions. Since he attributed the utmost importance to defense of the strait, in 1885 Abdulhamid II ordered state-of-the-art cannons from the German company Krupp. In general, Krupp breech-loading gun carriage cannons for shore defense were used. Shore batteries and mobile batteries were also installed to fortify the shore defense by the end of 1914 and in early 1915.