Rumelia Mecidiye Bastion and Martyrs’ Cemetery

As we proceed downhill, on the right side of the road, 300 m after the Rumelia Hamidiye Bastion, we arrive at the bastion associated with Corporal Seyid. The bastion of 8 bonnets and 6 guns is known to have been built during the era of Abdulhamid II. We see traces of the headquarters’ foundations and others behind the bastion. Sixteen privates of the battery were martyred after the fire of the Fleet of the Allied Forces during the strait battle. The platforms and accessories of the guns were hit. The location where these soldiers were interred in a group burial was subsequently designated the Martyrs’ Cemetery of Mecidiye in 1919. The cemetery encircled by walls was built in 1969 by the Society for the Construction of Turkish Martyrs’ Cemeteries and the Charity Society for the Monuments of the Martyrs of the Dardanelles.

The following inscription is written on the monolith located at the Bastion’s entrance: Here lie Sergeant Ali of Isparta, Mehmet Son of Ismail of Ovrindi, Suleiman Son of Mehmet and 13 friends as they were martyred at this bastion on March 18, 1915 at the Battle of the Strait.

The grave of Feyzi Efendi is located near the Mecidiye Martrys’ Cemetery. Having lived in the era of Selim III, an architect, mathematician and statesman, Feyzi Efendi was executed when the British Fleet crossed the strait on February 19, 1807 while he was formally commissioned at the Dardanelles Strait. The grave was transferred to its current location from Kilitbahir in 1980. The following was inscribed in the Ottoman language on the epitaph: Only God is eternal / Feyzi Efendi, the former Provincial Treasurer / This noble man; sentenced to death / Went to the Mediterranean Strait for reasons of repair/ Gave the Strait to foreigners and gave his life for Paradise/ Undoubtedly a sayyed, martyred in the month of Muharram / May God the Almighty admit him into gardens of paradise / Repented for his sins and read the whole of Koran for once/ Turned his face toward God and ascended to heaven / Shed drops of tears into history / And said; Feyzi Efendi now dwells in the rivers of the afterlife / 30 March 1807.