Pink Farm Cemetery

The road curves after the Lancashire Landing Cemetery and leading northward extends to the Pink Farm Cemetery after 4 km. The cemetery is 30 m after the signboard on the right of the highway. It is located in the region also known as Feyzullah Farm or Sotiri Farm. The area where the cemetery is located was named Pink Farm due to the terra rosa during the era of battle. Those soldiers whose names were not identified were interred at the upper part and 602 graves are found in the cemetery

Charles Bean, the Australian author narrates on the Arıburnu Front at the Battles of April 29th 
“Today they brought Turkish captives to the prisoners’ camp. Australians gave the captives an evil eye. Those fighting on the front line on Sunday night said they saw the chopped up bodies of the soldiers; the Australians are not taking any one captive, but kill them instead. Both the New Zealanders and Australians told me that they were ordered by their superiors not to take Turks as captives during the early confrontations especially at a time when things are even worse.