Alçıtepe (Achi Baba) Martyrs’ Cemetery

When you turn left at the junction right before arriving at the Alçıtepe (Achi Baba) Village, expected to be taken by the Allies within 24 hours, almost 400 m away you will see the cemetery on the right side of the road of Viewing Platform and Marshal Fevzi Çakmak Memorial 10-15 km inside the road. On the epigram of the cemetery the following is inscribed: The soldiers who were martyred at the Turkish defense line at Alçıtepe (Achi Baba) region of the Battle of the Dardanelles were interred in this grave. This nation is indebted to the glorious martyrs. May you rest in peace.The Turkish soldiers who were martyred at the Krithia Battle lie in the Martyrs’ Cemetery, the construction date of which is unknown. The men buried at the martyrs’ cemetery (created with the interment of the scattered bones of the martyrs) are unknown. The Martyrs’ Cemetery was restored by the Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs in 2013.