Atatürk Victory Statue at Chunuk Bair

Chunuk Bair is the name given to the slope extending southwest from Chunuk Hill and ending at Kemal Creek. Chunuk Hill is the name of the highest elevation of Chunuk Bair located to the north. The Chunuk Bair Atatürk Memorial is a bronze statue and is known as the newest Memorial built at the Chunuk Bair location. The Chunuk Bair Atatürk Memorial was built in 1993 by the Ministry of Culture in memory of the Chunuk Bair assault commanded by the Group Commander of Suvla Bay, Mustafa Kemal, on August 10, 1915.

Memoirs of Mucib Efendi 
‘“In the meantime, the Battalion Commander Halis Bey of Uşak came up. All of a sudden, I felt that the long-lasting and unbearable burden on my shoulders has been relieved. No other reinforcement forces could support such a new 20 year-old officer.

I was trying to draw a meaning from the pale face and looks of Halis Bey. However, it was no longer necessary to think much about this and search for a reason. The khaki clothe on his left arm was becoming redder and the tips of her fingers were full of blood drops. I said ‘You were hurt’. I cried ‘You the Medical Service Sargent’ he silenced me and uttered: ‘The soldiers should never hear about this’

Mucib Efendi was unable to convince Halis Bey to return. He was inexperienced and he was young representing his source of honor. Eventually convinced, Mucib Efendi, the Battalion Commander, gave the following order: “You will in no case retreat from your current position; however you may send messengers to convey the news that you are all dead.” Mucib Efendi expressed his views in his memoirs while the commander was retreating: “I felt that I was so hurt in the heart while the Commander was getting out of side. Hence, I seemed to be alone; yet I was actually not. This is because I was with the Mehmets blatantly fighting with all their hearts and souls for a land whose protection was entrusted in me”.