Büyük Kemikli (Suvla Point) Monolith

The shores meandering toward the northwest of Suvla Bay create small coves and sinuous formations and end at Suvla Point (Cape of Büyükkemikli) as it is called by the British.  

The monolith was placed over a hill that has a dominating position overlooking Suvla Bay where the last British soldiers were evacuated in December 1915. The monolith designed by the Architect Ahmet Gülgönen is stone-clad. The following is inscribed on the monolith:

“The enemy forces which landed at Arıburnu (Anzac) on the morning of 25th April and at Anafarta harbor (Suvla) during the night of 6-7th August realized, after bloody battles lasting many months, that they could not overcome the Turkish defense and therefore evacuated these fronts on 20 December”