Çamlıtekke Anafartalar Group Command Headquarters

Audio Guide

The headquarters can be accessed through the trail going left from the region of pine trees 2 km after crossing Kumköy road on the eastern exit of Southern Anafarta. Once a combat operations center for the platoons of Anafarta during the fighting, the headquarters was named after “Çamlıtekke” situated on the location of the centennial cypress near the road.

The Command of the Region of Anafartalar attached to the northern group of the 5th Army was led by the German Lieutenant Colonel Wilmer. The command echelon in the region subsequently changed as Ahmet Fevzi Bey, Mustafa Kemal and Fevzi Pasha (Çakmak) assumed command of the Anafartalar Region/Group, respectively. Mustafa Kemal presented his damaged watch to Liman von Sanders and Sanders gifted his own watch to Mustafa Kemal at this particularly important location.

Quotation from Mustafa Kemal Atatürk about Çamlıtekke 
“…The darkness of the night...It was 23.30; half an hour to the midnight of 8/9 August, I set off from the Headquarters of the 19th Division. Around Kemalyeri (Scrubby Knoll) I went to the north of the Kocadere Village. I could breathe fresh air for the first time after four months....  

I moved forward to Çamlıtekke assigned as the Headquarters of Anafartalar Group. I could find the Headquarters of Anafartalar Group somewhere 1.5 km south of Gümbürdek Bayir at around 01.30. a.m. after the midnight”.28