Kocadere Hospital Martyrs’ Cemetery

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The martyrs' cemetery, located approximately 1.5 km southwest of Kocadere Village at the rear side of the North Group Front at Köyaltı region, was built in 1915. A grand dressing station was created by the medical companies of the 19th and 5th Divisions that fought the ANZAC Corps behind the Arıburnu Front. The most common diseases suffered by soldiers of the war era were tuberculosis, dysentery, malaria, mumps, typhoid fever, heart diseases, dermatological disorders, eye diseases and inflammatory diseases. Most of the wounds of the Turkish soldiers were caused by bombs, shrapnel and infantry bullets.

The field hospital of the 16th Division was subsequently positioned in this region. There are 2.000 martyrs interred in the original martyrs’ cemetery. The martyrs’ cemetery of the hospital is marked as die plate no. 16 in the Şevki Pasha Map and was restored by the Ministry of Forestry in 2005.