Respect to Turkish Soldiers Memorial

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The memorial is located at the Albayrak Ridge on the right side of the Kabatepe-Chunuk Bair road. It was constructed by the Directorate General of Fine Arts of the Ministry of Culture in 1992. The memorial narrates the carrying of a wounded Australian officer back to his side of the front by a Turkish soldier.  

A quotation from Lord Casey, former Governor-General of Australia, is inscribed on the epitaph of the memorial: 

“We left the Çanakkale Peninsula after having fought the Turks, losing thousands of heroes. In our battles we have realised and admired the patriotism of the Turks. Every Australian loves the Mehmetçik [Turkish soldiers] as their own sons. His bravery and his love of country and humanity have immensely impressed the Anzacs. With much respect and gratitude to the Mehmetçik – Australian governor-general Lord Casey 1967 ”