Soğanlıdere Air Strike Martyrs’ Cemetery

The Cemetery is located on the right side of the road at the location of the 7th Division Medical Company before arriving at the Soğanlıdere Martyrs’ Cemetery on the road from Havuzlar to Alçıtepe (Achi Baba) Village. The following is inscribed on the memorial monolith erected for the soldiers who were martyred by air strikes: “This is the memorial of the 1 corporal and 9 privates who were martyred at the air strike against the forward lines of the Soğanlıdere front during the battle of the Dardanelles in 1915. May they rest in peace” Soaked in red blood lying in the heavens / Oh You the Wayfarer, those self-sacrificing privates for the sake of this land / The blessed slaves of God never enter a stone grave/ Gracefully expecting the Surah al Fatiha only. Mehmet Akif Ersoy, Hilvan (27 Kanuni Evvel 1340-Islamic Calendar) 27 December 1924. The Martyrs’ Cemetery was restored in 2013.