Su Yatagha

This location is called the Su Yatagha due to the presence of several water sources to the south of Chunuk Bair. This location was the headquarters of the 8th Division, as well as the place where Mustafa Kemal spent the night of August 9and ordered the bayonet attack of Chunuk Bair on August 10. Due to the close proximity of the Turkish and Allied positions at Chunuk Bair, either side could have taken the hill with an assault by reinforced forces.

Mustafa Kemal had complete faith in the repulse of Allied forces by a severe and sudden bayonet attack. Hence, he fatefully decided on the bayonet assault of August 10 which would result in victory. The 23rd, 24th, 28th and 41st Regiments were assigned to conduct the planned assault. However, 41st Regiment could not access Chunuk Bair during the assault. The attack took place at dawn, 4:30 a.m. on August 10, ending in a victory at Chunuk Bair.

Evening Standard Daily / Britain – 12 November 1938 
“…Only a soldier would save Turkey now......Kemal; He was to carry the authority of the Turkish administration from a deep abyss to a lofty peak. So he preferred the edge of the sword”