69-Düztepe (Battleship) Trenches

Edge of Chunuk Bair 
The Battleship Hill (or Big 700, as it was first known) trenches can be accessed by walking down Chunuk Bair in the southwest direction. This position, held by the 10th Regiment under the order of the renowned 19th Division, served as an observation trench during the battles. Battleship Hill was important because it was a critical elevation before the Chunuk Bair which continually drew heavy artillery fire from the Allied fleet from April 25 (the first day of landing operations). This position came to the fore in the following stages of the battles. The first intervention against Allied troops advancing toward Chunuk Bair came from the troops of the 72th and 14th Companies deployed there, particularly during the battles in August. Battleship Hill was held by the Turks for the 8 month duration of the Anzac section.

The First War Historian of the Republican Era: Mehmet Nihat Bey 
“The trenches were deeply in shambles during the battle...The bombardment was so fierce that one would not presume that any man could survive under this fire in the forward lines”.