Çamburnu Castle

The castle located inside the garden of the Directorate of Gallipoli Historical Site at Çamburnu towards the exit from Eceabat to Kilitbahir was built during the eras of Sultan Selim III and Sultan Mahmud II for the fortification of defense of the strait. The castle was designed in a rectangular shape and its seaside wall is arc-shaped and features loophole apertures. A platform exists on the seaside wall where cannons are superimposed. Inside the castle is a surviving architectural structure assumed to be a rectangular ammunition dump. The castle was used as the Mobile Hospital for the 12th Division and medical supplies depot of the Southern Front during the Battle of the Dardanelles. It is thought that the Turkish soldiers who were martyred during treatment at the Mobile Hospital for the 12th Division were interred at areas near the castle. Additionally, the Çamburnu Castle is known to be used as the Headquarters of the 57th Division before the battles, between February 25, 1915 and April 10, 1915.