Şahindere Martyrs’ Cemetery

Şahindere Martyrs’ Cemetery, as one of the identified original martyrs’ cemeteries, is located on the upper skirts of Çınarlıdere on the left side of the road after passing from Soğanlıdere. It resembles the Soğanlıdere Martyrs’ Cemetery in architectural style. The ascension of the martyrs is represented by the crescent and the triangular conic memorial over a star in the midst of the crescent. There are 132 kabalak-shaped stones (kabalak is a kind of military hat) and Turkish martyrs in the cemetery are commemorated. The original martyrs’ cemetery area was encircled on the upper side of the epitaphs.

Şahindere Martyrs’ Cemetery is located at the Sedd el Bahr Front, that is, on the southern front. As the region is rich in water and shade trees and is tranquil and protected, one of the field dressing stations was built here.

Some of the soldiers of the left flank who were wounded and martyred in the battles after July 5, 1915 rest in this martyrs’ cemetery. The remaining soldiers who were martyred in the region during the Battles of Sedd el Bahr, Kerevizdere and Krithia were interred at the Şahindere Martyrs’ Cemetery. The following are the units of these martyrs: during the Battles of Sedd el Bahr, Kerevizdere and Krithia were interred at the Şahindere Martyrs’ Cemetery. The following are the units of these martyrs:

- 1st Division 70th, 71st and 124th Infantry Regiments 
- 2nd Division 31st, 32ndand 39th Infantry Regiments 
- 5th Division 13th and 15th Infantry Regiments 
- 6th Division 16th Infantry Regiment 
- 7th Division 19th, 20th and 21st Infantry Regiments 
- 10th Division 29th and 30th Infantry Regiments  
- 11th Division 126th and 127th Infantry Regiments.

Two thousand martyrs lie here whose names have been identified. This martyrs’ cemetery was rearranged in 2005 by the Ministry of the Environment and Forestry.